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Catastrophe Infographic-Gregory
Use this page to access resources curated specifically for your assignment!
Research Sites:
Encyclopedia Virginia
World Book (Through Classlink)
Gale Databases
Gale Biography
Gale Global Issues
Gale High School
Gale Science
Gale US History
Gale World History
SIRS Discoverer
ProQuest General Search
Weather Channel
* Topic Narrowing
*Canva (Sign in through Classlink)
-Here are the directions for
Canva if you need them
Google Scholar
Google Scholar
This may be a relevant time to use Google Scholar, but know the facts about using it before you search!
Search for Books
Destiny Catalog
VBPL (Va Beach Public Library)
If you don't have a public library card, see us for help! You have access to both print and digital resources with your library card.
Don't forget to cite your sources!
Use Noodle Tools to organize and format your citations. Access Noodle Tools through Classlink!
Click here for a short tutorial!
Which citation styles do college courses
typically use?
Some things you'll need:
Submission Links
Submit your assignment here.
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