Social Issues-Marlar
Use this page to access resources curated specifically for your assignment!
Step 1:
Pick a topic from this list.
Open your notes doc, click here.
Step 2: Research your topic using the following databases. Start with SIRS: Leading Issues.
Research Links:
SIRS-Leading Issues
(If you have login issues at home try the following username: vbschools (all lowercase) password: vbschools (all lowercase)
Gale- Opposing Viewpoints
(password: schools (all lowercase)
Gale: High School
(password: schools (all lowercase)
Still having trouble accessing the databases? Accessing the Databases through Classlink. Click here for the video!
Helpful Websites
*Gale curates many helpful websites for you.
Google Scholar
Google Scholar
This may be a relevant time to use Google Scholar, but know the facts about using it before you search!
Search for Books
Destiny Catalog
VBPL (Va Beach Public Library)
How do I use the public library?
Every VB student has access to the public library with their student number and birthdate. Login as follows:
S+student number Ex. S123456
password: your birthday in MMDD format Ex. 0408
Step 3: You will be creating an Infographic to showcase your knowledge on your social issue. You have two platforms to choose will use Canva to create your infographic:
Canva for Education lives in Classlink.
Adding Images to your infographic:
When you find images via Google, download them to your Google Drive. It is best to make a folder to store them, they will be in your "recents" folder. If you are wanting to use images from your phone, it's best to add the Google Drive app to your phone. If not, you will have to email them to your school account. (not recommended--the app is easier!) Click here for a short video on usage rights.
Project Submissions:
Step 4: Submit your Works Cited with Annotated Bib here!
Step 5: Submit your Canva Infographic project here.
Having trouble?
Canva submission video.
Don't forget to cite your sources!
Use Noodle Tools to organize and format your citations. Access Noodle Tools through Classlink!
Click here for a short tutorial! (databases)
Click here for how to site a website using Noodletools.
Cox HS MLA 8 Guide
Purdue OWL--premiere online writing lab
Need help picking a topic?
Click here for an A-Z list from SIRS Leading Issues!
Click here to browse issues (A-Z) from Gale: Opposing Viewpoints.
Click here to browse issues in!
Email us!
We are here to help and support you!